365 days - All in the blink of an eye || Eyehub Nigeria

365 days - All in the blink of an eye

Do you know the average person blinks once every 4 seconds? This 400 milliseconds "eye care" task spreads tears over the surface of the eye, supplying nutrients and  lubricating the eye, and protecting it from debris and other visual threats. It also allows the brain the luxury of taking a "brief mental break". That's a lot of work for such a seemingly simple act.

As the curtain falls on 2018 and rises on 2019,  let's be grateful for our numerous blessings - successes, opportunities to learn from shortcomings, and countless, mundane things we often take for granted.

We may not have accomplished all that we said we would, but let's remember that tiny drops make a mighty ocean. We've been gifted another opportunity to plough ahead or start over.

While prioritising and strategising for the new year, don't forget to devote time to taking care of your health and your eyes. After all, "your body is the only place you have to live in" (Jim Rohn).

Keep a date with EyeHubNigeria in 2019 as we take you on an "eye-ducative" journey to discover how best to take care of your eyes, the latest eye care activities for the year and how and where to access eye care in Nigeria.

PS: In the next 365 days, we are each going to blink over 31 million times! Let's make every blink count.

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