Never too old - By Dr Folahan Ibukun || Eyehub Nigeria

Never too old - By Dr Folahan Ibukun

Mama has had too many falls these past six months thought Tobi, her grandson. Tobi had come to bring mama some food in the hospital. Mama fell again, three days ago, while coming out of the bathroom, breaking her right leg. Thank God for the timely intervention of the doctors. She had surgery and was getting better.

Mama has had poor eye sight for about five years now, yet she refuses to go to the hospital. She believes her poor sight is part of getting old. She finds it difficult to recognise people’s faces. She says everything appears cloudy, like the harmattan haze. Her vision has worsened in recent times causing her to stumble and miss her steps, hence, the frequent falls.

Tobi entered the ward to see his grandmother being attended to by the ophthalmologist. His parents were also there. The eye doctor explained to them that mama had cataract. Although it is a disease of old age, it can be treated with a simple surgery which will restore Mama’s vision. The doctor booked them for an eye clinic appointment after her discharge and counselled them not to default.
Tobi smile excitedly. “Soon, Mama will no longer fall and will recognise me again” he said to his parents. They were all happy and reassured that there was a solution to Mama’s problems.

• No one is too old for cataract surgery
• Cataract surgery can restore the vision of someone who is blind from cataract
• It can also reduce morbidity from falls, and depression in the elderly
• Encourage your parents and grandparents with poor vision to visit the ophthalmologist

Dr Folahan Ibukun