Preventing eye injuries at home || Eyehub Nigeria

Preventing eye injuries at home

The home is usually a "safe space" for comfort and relaxation. But sometimes, things can go wrong, turning that safe space into a potential landmine for eye injuries. From minor issues such as dust particles finding their way into the eye while cleaning, to chemicals like bleach while sorting out laundry, eye injuries can occur in a variety of ways.

Activities and chores that can lead to eye injuries

Seeming harmless activities that can lead to eye injuries at home include

  • opening a corked bottle of wine - that "pop" effect is always attractive, but a flying bottle cork can serve as a missile and cause serious harm to the eye
  • changing an electric bulb - a bulb explosion can endanger the eye
  • cleaning cob webs from the wall - cobwebs and other particles can easily get into the eye while cleaning
  • drilling nails into the wall or doing some DIY carpentry - nail, wood or other particles could fly into the eye while carrying out these activities
  • frying food - a splash of hot oil on the skin or eyes is not so uncommon while rustling up some tasty meals
  • mowing the lawn and gardening - nothing can ruin the whole gardening experience quite as much as dirty soil or other organic matter getting into the eye
  • fireworks - these may be a lot of fun, but they can literally blow up in your face!

When people engage in these activities without proper consideration, they can pose serious harm to both those carrying them out, as well as to other innocent bystanders.


Safety tips for preventing eye injuries at home

  • Use protective eye wear - the easiest way to prevent a lot of eye injuries at home is by wearing protective eye wear or goggles when carrying out the potentially harmful activities listed above
  • Keep sharp objects away from children, and supervise them when they are playing
  • Keep chemicals and other harmful substances safely out of reach of children
  • Read and strictly follow instructions for use of home-based chemicals
  • Don't mix different chemicals unless it is clearly stated that it is safe to do so
  • Opening a champagne bottle safely is an art. Learn how to do it like a pro here


October is "Home Eye Safety Month" and "Eye Injury Prevention Month". Keep your homes and your eyes safe.

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