World Glaucoma Week 2019 - All eyes on Glaucoma || Eyehub Nigeria

World Glaucoma Week 2019 - All eyes on Glaucoma

The Sneak Thief of Sight

Our eyes are arguably among our most prized possessions. However, as long as we feel we can see quite well, it is easy to slip into the habit of taking them for granted. This may be a costly mistake especially when the "sneak thief of sight" is on the prowl! This month, all eyes are on Glaucoma as the world commemorates World Glaucoma Week from March 10 -16 2019.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the commonest cause of irreversible blindness in Nigeria. It affects one in 20 people aged 40 years and older, though it can affect people of all ages. Sadly, more than  90% of people are not even aware they have it. One in 5 people is already blind in both eyes at the time of diagnosis!

There are different types of glaucoma, but the commonest type in our environment is the open angle type. It usually has no symptoms until it is in the advanced stage. It affects the peripheral or side vision first so you may not suspect that vision is gradually being lost. People at greater risk of having glaucoma include blacks, people aged 40 years and older, and people who have a first degree relation with glaucoma (parent, sibling or child). Find out more facts about glaucoma here.

Here's what you can do about glaucoma

The most effective way of outsmarting this silent thief of sight is by having regular, dilated, comprehensive eye examinations by an eye doctor. Don't be part of the growing statistics. Get your eyes tested for glaucoma today.

PS: There are lots of activities lined up for this year's World Glaucoma Week. There are public awareness lectures, radio and television programmes, social media campaigns and free eye screening activities. Navigate through our World Glaucoma Week 2019 Activity Map to find out which screening and awareness activities are taking place around you.

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